Grupo de Investigación en Síndromes Linfoproliferativos

Área de Oncología

Profundizar en el conocimiento del papel de la vía de señalización NOTCH1/FBXW7/PI3K/PTEN/AKT en la progresión de la leucemia linfocítica crónica B (CLL-B) a formas avanzadas. En las líneas celulares y en las células primarias del paciente, se ha observado una variación en el número de copias de genes tanto por FISH como por PCRq en los genes NOTCH1, FBXW7 y PTEN, con una relación inversa entre NOTCH1 y FBXW7/PTEN

Analizar la importancia clínica de los reordenamientos de myc, bcl-2 y bcl-6 en el linfoma difuso de células grandes. Se ha comproado que los pacientes con expresión concomitante de la proteína c-myc y bcl-2 presentan un peor pronóstico en cuanto a SLP y Sg que el resto

Estudio del estado mutacional de IgVH en CLL, iplementación de su impacto pronóstico en una amplia serie de pacientes. Se han estudiado nuevos marcadores moleculares (mutaciones TP53, BIRC3, MYD88, NOTCH1 y SF3B1) en la LLC mediante técnicas de secuenciación de nueva generación. Continúa la colaboración en el proyecto de secuenciación GENOMA CLL, con una actualización clínico-evolutiva

Ampliacion en la participación en proyectos de investigación clínica en CLL, linfomas refractarios y mieloma múltiple, con la incorporación de nuevos fármacos y en el diseño y desarrollo de nuevas opciones terapéuticas

Dra. Mª José Terol Casterá
Dra. Mª José Terol Casterá  

R4 Senior

Mª José Terol Casterá    

R3 Consolidado

Antonio Ferrández Izquierdo

R2 Novel / Emergente

Edelmira Martí Sáez
Blanca Ferrer Lores
Ana Isabel Teruel Casasús
Alicia Serrano Alcalá

R1 Predoctoral

Laura Ventura López


Ana Saus Carreres


Mercedes Bou Moreno
Esther Lozano García

Feasibility and outcomes after dose reduction of immunochemotherapy in young adults with Burkitt lymphoma and leukemia: results of the BURKIMAB14 trial. Ribera J, Morgades M, Garcia-Calduch O, Sirvent M, Buendia B, Cervera M, Luzardo H, Hernandez-Rivas J, Sitges M, Garcia-Cadenas I, Abrisqueta P, Montesinos P, Bastos-Oreiro M, De Llano M, Bravo P, Torrent A, Herrera P, Garcia-Guinon A, Vall-Llovera F, Serrano J, Terol M, Bergua J, Garcia-Noblejas A, Barrenetxea C, Llorente L, Garcia-Belmonte D, Gimeno E, Cladera A, Mercadal S, Sancho J. Haematologica. 2024 Feb 1;109(2):543-552. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2023.283342. PMID: 37560813

Improvement of thrombosis management in patients with cancer: a practical consensus document of recommendations for cancer-associated thrombosis patients’ healthcare in Spain. Martín A, Trujillo-Santos A, Martí E, Jara-Palomares L, Montero R, Gallardo E, López-Núñez J, Brozos-Vázquez E, Robles-Marinas V, Pérez-Segura P, Ruíz-Artacho P. Clinical & Translational Oncology. 2024 Feb 13. doi: 10.1007/s12094-023-03379-z. PMID: 38349577

Solitary fibrous tumor: can the new Huang risk stratification system for orbital tumors improve prognostic accuracy in other tumor locations?. Medina-Ceballos E, Machado I, Giner F, Bujeda A, Navarro S, Ferrandez A, Lavernia J, Ruiz-Sauri A, Llombart-Bosch A. Pathology, Research and Practice. 2024 Feb:254:155143. doi: 10.1016/j.prp.2024.155143. PMID: 38301364

Accuracy and prognostic impact of FDG PET/CT and biopsy in bone marrow assessment of follicular lymphoma at diagnosis: a nation-wide cohort study. Rodenas-Quinonero I, Chen-Liang T, Martin-Santos T, Salar A, Fernandez-Gonzalez M, Celades C, Navarro J, Martinez-Garcia A, Andreu R, Balaguer A, Garcia-Sancho A, Baile M, Lopez-Jimenez J, Marquet-Palomanes J, Teruel A, Terol M, Benet C, Frutos L, Navarro J, Una J, Suarez M, Cortes M, Contreras J, Ruiz C, Tamayo P, Mucientes J, Sopena-Novales P, Reguilon-Gallego L, Sanchez-Blanco J, Perez-Ceballos E, Jerez A, Ortuno F. Cancer Medicine. 2023 Mar;12(6):6536-6546. doi: 10.1002/cam4.5424. PMID: 36373169

Acquired aggressive multisystemic disseminated lobular capillary haemangioma: a life threatening disorder. Monteagudo C, Porcar-Saura S, Navarro S, Burgues O, Gonzalez J, Ferrandez A, Forner M. Pathology. 2023 Aug;55(5):729-732. doi: 10.1016/j.pathol.2022.11.014. PMID: 36894353

Adult pancreatoblastoma: report of 3 new cases with genetic diversity and autopsy findings. Machado I, Lopez-Guerrero J, Fernandez A, Lopez R, Casado Z, Ferrandez A, Llombart-Bosch A, Charville G. International Journal of Surgical Pathology. 2023 Aug;31(5):896-906. doi: 10.1177/10668969221133351. PMID: 36573045

Assessment of the potential value of plasma Torque Teno virus DNA load monitoring to predict cytomegalovirus DNAemia in patients with hematological malignancies treated with small molecule inhibitors: a proof-of-concept study. de la Asunción C, Giménez E, Hernández-Boluda J, Terol M, Albert E, López J, García-Gutiérrez V, Andreu R, Malo M, Fox M, Remigia M, Amat P, Solano C, Navarro D. Journal of Medical Virology. 2023 Jul;95(7):e28933. doi: 10.1002/jmv.28933. PMID: 37403897

Correction: Different prognostic impact of recurrent gene mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia depending on IGHV gene somatic hypermutation status: a study by ERIC in HARMONY. Mansouri L, Thorvaldsdottir B, Sutton LA, Karakatsoulis G, Meggendorfer M, Parker H, Nadeu F, Brieghel C, Laidou S, Moia R, Rossi D, Catherwood M, Kotaskova J, Delgado J, Rodriguez-Vicente AE, Benito R, Rigolin GM, Bonfiglio S, Scarfo L, Mattsson M, Davis Z, Gogia A, Rani L, Baliakas P, Foroughi-Asl H, Jylha C, Skaftason A, Rapado I, Miras F, Martinez-Lopez J, de la Serna J, Hernandez Rivas JM, Thornton P, Larrayoz MJ, Calasanz MJ, Fesus V, Matrai Z, Bodor C, Smedby KE, Espinet B, Puiggros A, Gupta R, Bullinger L, Bosch F, Tazon-Vega B, Baran-Marszak F, Oscier D, Nguyen-Khac F, Zenz T, Terol MJ, Cuneo A, Hernandez-Sanchez M, Pospisilova S, Mills K, Gaidano G, Niemann CU, Campo E, Strefford JC, Ghia P, Stamatopoulos K, Rosenquist R. Leukemia. 2023 Feb;37(2):504. doi: 10.1038/s41375-023-01813-3. PMID: 36635392

Cytogenetic assessment and risk stratification in myelofibrosis with optical genome mapping. Diaz-Gonzalez A, Mora E, Avetisyan G, Furio S, De la Puerta R, Gil J, Liquori A, Villamon E, Garcia-Hernandez C, Santiago M, Garcia-Ruiz C, Llop M, Ferrer-Lores B, Barragan E, Garcia-Palomares S, Mayordomo E, Luna I, Vicente A, Cordon L, Senent L, Alvarez-Larran A, Cervera J, De la Rubia J, Hernandez-Boluda J, Such E. Cancers. 2023 Jun 2;15(11):3039. doi: 10.3390/cancers15113039. PMID: 37297002

Different prognostic impact of recurrent gene mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia depending on IGHV gene somatic hypermutation status: a study by ERIC in HARMONY. Mansouri L, Thorvaldsdottir B, Sutton LA, Karakatsoulis G, Meggendorfer M, Parker H, Nadeu F, Brieghel C, Laidou S, Moia R, Rossi D, Catherwood M, Kotaskova J, Delgado J, Rodríguez-Vicente AE, Benito R, Rigolin GM, Bonfiglio S, Scarfo L, Mattsson M, Davis Z, Gogia A, Rani L, Baliakas P, Foroughi-Asl H, Jylhä C, Skaftason A, Rapado I, Miras F, Martinez-Lopez J, de la Serna J, Rivas JMH, Thornton P, Larráyoz MJ, Calasanz MJ, Fésüs V, Mátrai Z, Bödör C, Smedby KE, Espinet B, Puiggros A, Gupta R, Bullinger L, Bosch F, Tazón-Vega B, Baran-Marszak F, Oscier D, N’Guyen-Khac F, Zenz T, Terol MJ, Cuneo A, Hernández-Sánchez M, Pospisilova S, Mills K, Gaidano G, Niemann CU, Campo E, Strefford JC, Ghia P, Stamatopoulos K, Rosenquist R. Leukemia. 2023 Feb;37(2):339-347. doi: 10.1038/s41375-022-01802-y. PMID: 36566271

Diffuse lipomatosis of the thyroid gland. Marti-Fernandez R, Cassinello-Fernandez N, Palomares-Casasus S, Gomez-Adrian J, Ferrandez-Izquierdo A. American Surgeon. 2023 May;89(5):2092-2093. doi: 10.1177/00031348211029848. PMID: 34180266

Extra-meningeal solitary fibrous tumor: an evolving entity with chameleonic morphological diversity, a hallmark molecular alteration and unresolved issues in risk stratification assessment. Machado I, Giner F, Cruz J, Lavernia J, Marhuenda-Fluixa A, Claramunt R, Lopez-Guerrero J, Navarro S, Ferrandez A, Blazquez Bujeda A, Ruiz-Sauri A, Llombart-Bosch A. Histology and Histopathology. 2023 Oct;38(10):1079-1097. doi: 10.14670/HH-18-608. PMID: 36975173

Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma: p53 and Ki-67 offer prognostic value for clinical outcome – an immunohistochemical and molecular analysis of 31 cases. Giner F, Lopez-Guerrero J, Machado I, Rubio-Martinez L, Espino M, Navarro S, Agra-Pujol C, Ferrandez A, Llombart-Bosch A. Virchows Archiv. 2023 Feb;482(2):407-417. doi: 10.1007/s00428-022-03453-x. PMID: 36376703

IGLV3-21R110 mutation has prognostic value in patients with treatment-naive chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Syrykh C, Pons-Brun B, Russiñol N, Playa-Albinyana H, Baumann T, Duran-Ferrer M, Kulis M, Carbó-Meix A, Mozas P, Alcoceba M, González M, Navarro-Bailón A, Colado E, Payer ÁR, Aymerich M, Terol MJ, Lu J, Knisbacher BA, Hahn CK, Ruiz-Gaspà S, Enjuanes A, Wu CJ, Getz G, Zenz T, López-Guillermo A, Martín-Subero JI, Colomer D, Delgado J, Campo E, Nadeu F. Blood Advances. 2023 Dec 12;7(23):7384-7391. doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2023010132. PMID: 37505099

Immunobiology of cytomegalovirus infection in patients with haematological malignancies undergoing treatment with small molecule inhibitors. Solano De la Asuncion C, Gimenez E, Hernandez-Boluda JC, Terol MJ, Albert E, Lopez-Jimenez J, Garcia-Gutierrez V, Andreu R, Garcia D, Fox ML, Remigia MJ, Amat P, Solano C, Navarro D. British Journal of Haematology. 2023 Mar;200(6):e58-e61. doi: 10.1111/bjh.18655. PMID: 36652997

Impact of SCHOLAR-1 criteria on CAR-T cell therapy efficacy in aggressive B lymphoma. A real-world GELTAMO/GETH study. Oreiro M, Gutierrez A, Iacoboni G, Corral L, Reguera J, Abrisqueta P, Delgado J, Terol M, Hernani R, Martinez N, Ortiz V, Bailen R, Gomez-Centurion I, Caballero A, Sanz J, Dominguez L, Hugo L, Musseti A, Ubieto A, Sancho J, Sureda A, Perez A, Barba P, Kwon M, Garcia-Sancho A. Transplantation And Cellular Therapy. 2023 Aug 31;S2666-6367(23)01508-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jtct.2023.08.026. PMID: 37659694

Intimal Sarcoma with MDM2/CDK4 amplification and p16 Overexpression: a review of histological features in primary tumor and xenograft, with immunophenotype and molecular profiling. Giner F, Machado I, Rubio-Martinez L, Lopez-Guerrero J, Claramunt-Alonso R, Navarro S, Ferrandez A, Mayordomo-Aranda E, Llombart-Bosch A. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023 Apr 19;24(8):7535. doi: 10.3390/ijms24087535. PMID: 37108696

Low-risk HPLLs/ABC score patients with splenic marginal zone lymphoma can be safely managed without treatment: results from a prospective Spanish study. Muntanola A, Villalobos M, Gonzalez-Villambrosia S, Rodriguez-Salazar M, Jimenez-Ubieto A, Bastidas-Mora G, Cordoba R, Infante M, Vidal M, Diaz F, Baile M, Bastos-Oreiro M, Panizo C, Sancho J, Navarro B, Garcia T, Escoda L, Abrisqueta P, Terol M, de Campo R, Mozas P, Lopez-Guillermo A, Salar A, Montalban C. British Journal of Haematology. 2023 Aug;202(4):776-784. doi: 10.1111/bjh.18912. PMID: 37386877

Obinutuzumab plus bendamustine for relapsed/refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia and predictive and prognostic impact of genetic alterations: the phase II GABRIELL study. Bravo J, Tello P, Garcia E, Herranz E, Payer A, Castera M, Champ D, Perez A, Gironella M, Zarzoso M, Fores R, Delgado J, Garcia-Marco J, GABRIELL Study Grp Investigators. Leukemia & Lymphoma. 2023 May;64(5):913-926. doi: 10.1080/10428194.2023.2216327. PMID: 37255002

Pancreatic steatosis and iron overload increases cardiovascular risk in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Marti-Aguado D, Ten-Esteve A, Baracaldo-Silva C, Crespo A, Coello E, Merino-Murgui V, Fernandez-Paton M, Alfaro-Cervello C, Sanchez-Martin A, Bauza M, Jimenez-Pastor A, Perez-Girbes A, Benlloch S, Perez-Rojas J, Puglia V, Ferrandez A, Aguilera V, Latorre M, Monton C, Escudero-Garcia D, Bosch-Roig I, Alberich-Bayarri A, Marti-Bonmati L. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2023 Aug 3;14:1213441. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2023.1213441. PMID: 37600695

SARS-CoV-2-reactive antibody waning, booster effect and breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infection in hematopoietic stem cell transplant and cell therapy recipients at one year after vaccination. Pinana J, Martino R, Vazquez L, Lopez-Corral L, Perez A, Chorao P, Avendano Pita A, Pascual M, Sanchez Salinas A, Sanz Linares G, Olave M, Arroyo I, Tormo M, Villalon L, Conesa Garcia V, Gago B, Terol M, Villalba M, Garcia Gutierrez V, Cabero A, Hernandez Rivas J, Ferrer E, Garcia Cadenas I, Teruel A, Navarro D, Cedillo A, Sureda A, Solano C. Bone Marrow Transplantation. 2023 Feb 28;1-14. doi: 10.1038/s41409-023-01946-0. PMID: 36854892

Torque Teno Virus plasma DNA load: a novel prognostic biomarker in CAR-T therapy. Benzaquén A, Giménez E, Iacoboni G, Guerreiro M, Hernani R, Albert E, Carpio C, Balaguer A, Pérez A, S de la Asunción C, Sánchez-Salinas MA, Chorão P, Piñana JL, Beas F, Montoro J, Hernández-Boluda JC, Facal A, Ferrer B, Villalba M, Amat P, Goméz MD, Campos D, Terol MJ, Sanz J, Barba P, Navarro D, Solano C. Bone Marrow Transplantation. 2023 Nov 2. doi: 10.1038/s41409-023-02114-0. PMID: 37919456

A randomized phase II study comparing consolidation with a single dose of 90Y ibritumomab tiuxetan vs. maintenance with rituximab for two years in patients with newly diagnosed follicular lymphoma responding to R-CHOP. Long-term follow-up results. Lopez-Guillermo A, Canales M, Dlouhy I, Mercadal S, Briones J, Garcia-Sancho A, Sancho J, Moraleda J, Terol M, Salar A, Palomera L, Gardella S, Jarque I, Ferrer S, Bargay J, Lopez A, Panizo C, Muntanola A, Montalban C, Conde E, Hernandez M, Soler A, Marco J, Deben G, Marin J, Tomas J, PETHEMA GELTAMO GELCAB Spanish. Leukemia & Lymphoma. 2022 Jan;63(1):93-100. doi: 10.1080/10428194.2021.1971216. PMID: 34459702

Applicability of probabilistic graphical models for early detection of SARS-CoV-2 reactive antibodies after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in hematological patients. Pinana J, Rodriguez-Belenguer P, Caballero D, Martino R, Lopez-Corral L, Terol M, Vazquez L, Calabuig M, Sanz-Linares G, Marin-Jimenez F, Alonso C, Montoro J, Ferrer E, Facal A, Pascual M, Rodriguez-Fernandez A, Olave M, Cascales-Hernandez A, Gago B, Hernandez-Rivas J, Villalon L, Corona M, Roldan-Perez A, Ribes-Amoros J, Gonzalez-Santillana C, Garcia-Sanz R, Navarro D, Serrano-Lopez A, Cedillo A, Soria-Olivas E, Sureda A, Solano C. Annals of Hematology. 2022 Sep;101(9):2053-2067. doi: 10.1007/s00277-022-04906-8. PMID: 35780254

Automated whole-liver MRI segmentation to assess steatosis and iron quantification in chronic liver disease. Marti-Aguado D, Jimenez-Pastor A, Alberich-Bayarri A, Rodriguez-Ortega A, Alfaro-Cervello C, Mestre-Alagarda C, Bauza M, Gallen-Peris A, Valero-Perez E, Ballester MP, Gimeno-Torres M, Perez-Girbes A, Benlloch S, Perez-Rojas J, Puglia V, Ferrandez A, Aguilera V, Escudero-Garcia D, Serra MA, Marti-Bonmati L. Radiology. 2022 Feb;302(2):345-354. doi: 10.1148/radiol.2021211027. PMID: 34783592

Best treatment option for patients with refractory aggressive b-cell lymphoma in the car-t cell era: real-world evidence from GELTAMO/GETH Spanish Groups. Bastos-Oreiro M, Gutierrez A, Reguera J, Iacoboni G, Lopez-Corral L, Terol M, Ortiz-Maldonado V, Sanz J, Guerra-Dominguez L, Bailen R, Mussetti A, Abrisqueta P, Hernani R, Luzardo H, Sancho J, Delgado-Serrano J, Salar A, Grande C, Bento L, de Villambrosia S, Garcia-Belmonte D, Sureda A, Perez-Martinez A, Barba P, Kwon M, Garcia-Sancho A. Frontiers in Immunology. 2022 Jul 12;13:855730. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.855730. PMID: 35911769

Booster effect after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in immunocompromised hematology patients with prior COVID-19. Piñana JL, Garcia-Sanz R, Martino R, Garcia-Roa M, Martin-Martin GA, Risco-Gálvez I, Tormo M, Martinez-Barranco P, Marcos-Corrales S, Calabuig M, Conesa V, Teruel A, Ruiz-Pérez S, Solano C, Navarro D, Cedillo Á, Sureda A. Blood Advances. 2022 Jan 8;6(3):848-853. doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2021006326. PMID: 34905620

Efficacy and safety of tinzaparin in prophylactic, intermediate and therapeutic doses in non-critically Ill patients hospitalized with COVID-19: the PROTHROMCOVID Randomized Controlled Trial. Munoz-Rivas N, Aibar J, Gabara-Xanco C, Trueba-Vicente A, Urbelz-Perez A, Gomez-Del Olmo V, Demelo-Rodriguez P, Rivera-Gallego A, Bosch-Nicolau P, Perez-Pinar M, Rios-Prego M, Madridano-Cobo O, Ramos-Alonso L, Alonso-Carrillo J, Francisco-Albelsa I, Marti-Saez E, Maestre-Peiro A, Mendez-Bailon M, Hernandez-Rivas JA, Torres-Macho J. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022 Sep 24;11(19):5632. doi: 10.3390/jcm11195632. PMID: 36233500

Evaluation of alternative risk stratification systems in a large series of solitary fibrous tumors with molecular findings and Ki-67 Index Data: do they improve risk assessment?. Machado I, Bujeda A, Giner F, Morales M, Cruz J, Lavernia J, Navarro S, Ferrandez A, Ruiz-Sauri A, Llombart-Bosch A. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022 Dec 27;24(1):439. doi: 10.3390/ijms24010439. PMID: 36613891

Genetic and phenotypic characterization of HIV-associated aggressive B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas, that do not occur specifically in this population: diagnostic and prognostic implications. Baptista MJ, Tapia G, Munoz-Marmol AM, Muncunill J, Garcia O, Montoto S, Gribben JG, Calaminici M, Martinez A, Veloza L, Martinez-Trillos A, Aldamiz T, Menarguez J, Terol MJ, Ferrandez A, Alcoceba M, Briones J, Gonzalez-Barca E, Climent F, Muntanola A, Moraleda JM, Provencio M, Abrisqueta P, Abella E, Colomo L, Garcia-Ballesteros C, Garcia-Caro M, Sancho JM, Ribera JM, Mate JL, Navarro JT. Histopathology. 2022 Dec;81(6):826-840. doi: 10.1111/his.14798. PMID: 36109172

IBRORS-MCL study: a Spanish retrospective and observational study of relapsed/refractory mantle-cell lymphoma treated with ibrutinib in routine clinical practice. Sancho JM, Marin-Niebla A, Fernandez S, Capote FJ, Canigral C, Grande C, Donato E, Zeberio I, Puerta JM, Rivas A, Perez-Ceballos E, Vale A, Martin Garcia-Sancho A, Salar A, Gonzalez-Barca E, Teruel A, Pastoriza C, Conde-Royo D, Sanchez-Garcia J, Barrenetxea C, Arranz R, Hernandez-Rivas JA, Ramirez MJ, Jimenez A, Rubio-Azpeitia E. International Journal of Hematology. 2022 Sep;116(3):381-392. doi: 10.1007/s12185-022-03367-z. PMID: 35551632

Ibrutinib in combination with rituximab for indolent clinical forms of mantle cell lymphoma (IMCL-2015): a multicenter, open-label, single-arm, Phase II Trial. Giné E, de la Cruz F, Jiménez Ubieto A, López Jimenez J, Martín García-Sancho A, Terol MJ, González Barca E, Casanova M, de la Fuente A, Marín-Niebla A, Muntañola A, González-López TJ, Aymerich M, Setoain X, Cortés-Romera M, Rotger A, Rodríguez S, Medina Herrera A, García Sanz R, Nadeu F, Beà S, Campo E, López-Guillermo A. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2022 Apr 10;40(11):1196-1205. doi: 10.1200/JCO.21.02321. PMID: 35030036

Impact of molecular profiling on the management of patients with myelofibrosis. Pastor-Galan I, Martin I, Ferrer B, Hernandez-Boluda J. Cancer Treatment Reviews. 2022 Jul 8;109:102435. doi: 10.1016/j.ctrv.2022.102435. PMID: 35839532

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on a cancer fast-track programme. Martinez M, Moragon S, Ortega-Morillo B, Monton-Bueno J, Simon S, Rosello S, Insa A, Viala A, Navarro J, Sanmartin A, Fluixa C, Julve A, Soriano D, Buch E, Pena A, Franco J, Martinez-Jabaloyas J, Marco J, Forner M, Cano A, Silvestre A, Teruel A, Bermejo B, Cervantes A, Chirivella Gonzalez I. Cancer Control. 2022 Jan-Dec;29:10732748221131000. doi: 10.1177/10732748221131000. PMID: 36355430

Meta-analysis of extracellular matrix dynamics after myocardial infarction using RNA-sequencing transcriptomic database. Ortega M, Rios-Navarro C, Gavara J, de Dios E, Perez-Sole N, Marcos-Garces V, Ferrandez-Izquierdo A, Bodi V, Ruiz-Sauri A. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022 Dec 9;23(24):15615. doi: 10.3390/ijms232415615. PMID: 36555255

Multi-body-site colonization screening cultures for predicting multi-drug resistant Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteremia in hematological patients. Torres I, Huntley D, Tormo M, Calabuig M, Hernandez-Boluda J, Terol M, Carretero C, de Michelena P, Perez A, Pinana J, Colomina J, Solano C, Navarro D. BMC Infectious Diseases. 2022 Feb 21;22(1):172. doi: 10.1186/s12879-022-07154-3. PMID: 35189833

Real world data of anticoagulant treatment in non-valvular atrial fibrillation across renal function status. Calderon J, Martinez F, Fernandez A, Sauri I, Diaz J, Uso R, Trillo J, Redon J, Forner M. Scientific reports. 2022 Apr 12;12(1):6123. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-10164-5. PMID: 35414001

SARS-CoV-2-reactive antibody detection after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients: Prospective survey from the Spanish Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation and Cell Therapy Group (GETH-TC). Pinana J, Lopez-Corral L, Martino R, Montoro J, Vazquez L, Perez A, Martin-Martin G, Facal-Malvar A, Ferrer E, Pascual M, Sanz-Linares G, Gago B, Sanchez-Salinas A, Villalon L, Conesa-Garcia V, Olave M, Lopez-Jimenez J, Marcos-Corrales S, Garcia-Blazquez M, Garcia-Gutierrez V, Hernandez-Rivas J, Saus A, Espigado I, Alonso C, Hernani R, Solano C, Ferrer-Lores B, Guerreiro M, Ruiz-Garcia M, Munoz-Bellido J, Navarro D, Cedillo A, Sureda A, Infectious Complications Subcommittee of the Spanish Hematopoietic Stem, Cell Transplantation and Cell Therapy Group (GETH-TC). American Journal of Hematology. 2022 Jan 1;97(1):30-42. doi: 10.1002/ajh.26385. PMID: 34695229

Single versus tandem autologous stem-cell transplantation in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma and high-risk cytogenetics. A retrospective, open-label study of the PETHEMA/Spanish Myeloma Group (GEM). Villalba A, Gonzalez-Rodriguez A, Arzuaga-Mendez J, Puig N, Arnao M, Arguinano J, Jimenez M, Canet M, Teruel A, Sola M, Diaz F, Encinas C, Garcia A, Rosinol L, Suarez A, Gonzalez M, Izquierdo I, Hernandez M, Infante M, Sanchez M, Sampol A, de la Rubia J. Leukemia & Lymphoma. 2022 Dec;63(14):3438-3447. doi: 10.1080/10428194.2022.2123229. PMID: 36124538

Thrombosis and thrombocytopenia after vaccination against and infection with SARS-CoV-2 in the United Kingdom. Burn E, Li X, Delmestri A, Jones N, Duarte-Salles T, Reyes C, Martinez-Hernandez E, Marti E, Verhamme K, Rijnbeek P, Strauss V, Prieto-Alhambra D. Nature Communications. 2022 Nov 23;13(1):7167. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-34668-w. PMID: 36418291

Unsupervised machine learning improves risk stratification in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: an analysis of the Spanish Myeloma Group. Mosquera Orgueira A, Gonzalez Perez MS, Diaz Arias J, Rosinol L, Oriol A, Teruel AI, Martinez Lopez J, Palomera L, Granell M, Blanchard MJ, de la Rubia J, Lopez de la Guia A, Rios R, Sureda A, Hernandez MT, Bengoechea E, Calasanz MJ, Gutierrez N, Martin ML, Blade J, Lahuerta JJ, San Miguel J, Mateos MV. Blood Cancer Journal. 2022 Apr 25;12(4):76. doi: 10.1038/s41408-022-00647-z. PMID: 35468898

Validation of the Burkitt Lymphoma International Prognostic Index in patients treated with two prospective chemoimmunotherapy trials in Spain. Ribera J, Garcia O, Buendia-Urena B, Terol M, Vicent A, Vall-Llovera F, Bergua J, Garcia-Cadenas I, Esteve J, Ribera J, Acuna-Cruz E, Herrera P, Hernandez-Rivas J, Abrisqueta P, Gonzalez-Campos J, Rodriguez C, Bastos-Oreiro M, Genesca E, Caminos N, de Llano M, Cladera A, Sancho J. Leukemia & Lymphoma. 2022 Aug;63(8):1993-1996. doi: 10.1080/10428194.2022.2053531. PMID: 35343365

Amplification of human beta-glucoronidase gene for appraising the accuracy of negative SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR results in upper respiratory tract specimens. Albert Vicent E, Ferrer Lores B, Torres Fink I, Serrano Alcalá A, Alcaráz Soriana M, Buesa Gomez J, Solano Vercet C, Colomina Rodríguez F, Bueno Ferrando F, Huntley Pascual D, Olea Miguel B, Valdivia Piqueres A, Navarro Ortega D. Journal of Medical Virology. 2021 Jan;93(1):48-50. doi: 10.1002/jmv.26112. PMID: 32484950

Assessing the potential association between SARS-CoV-2 RNA load in the respiratory tract and COVID-19 mortality. Albert E, Bracho M, Serrano A, Ferrer B, Gonzalez-Candelas F, Navarro D. Journal of Medical Virology. 2021 Apr;93(4):1862-1864. doi: 10.1002/jmv.26644. PMID: 33135804

Building a network of TP53 and IGHV testing reference centers across Spain: the Red53 initiative. Bosch F, Navarro B, Crespo M, Alcoceba M, Sanchez J, Tazon B, Serrano A, Alvarez M, Serrano L, Alonso-Torres P, Villanueva M, Loriente C, Abrisqueta P, Peiro M, Garcia-Marco J, Gonzalez M, Terol M. Annals of Hematology. 2021 Mar;100(3):825-830. doi: 10.1007/s00277-020-04331-9. PMID: 33409623

CAR-T therapy in solid transplant recipients with post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease: case report and literature review. Hernani R, Sancho A, Amat P, Hernandez-Boluda J, Perez A, Pinana J, Carretero C, Goterris R, Gomez M, Saus A, Ferrer B, Teruel A, Terol M, Solano C. Current Research in Translational Medicine. 2021 Jul 22;69(4):103304. doi: 10.1016/j.retram.2021.103304. PMID: 34303899

Cytomegalovirus-specific T-cell immunity and DNAemia in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia undergoing treatment with ibrutinib. De la Asuncion C, Terol M, Saus A, Olea B, Gimenez E, Albert E, Lopez-Jimenez J, Andreu R, Garcia D, Fox L, Remigia M, Amat P, Solano C, Navarro D. British Journal of Haematology. 2021 Nov;195(4):637-641. doi: 10.1111/bjh.17732. PMID: 34402042

Digital pathology: accurate technique for quantitative assessment of histological features in metabolic-associated fatty liver disease. Marti-Aguado D, Rodriguez-Ortega A, Mestre-Alagarda C, Bauza M, Valero-Perez E, Alfaro-Cervello C, Benlloch S, Perez-Rojas J, Ferrandez A, Alemany-Monraval P, Escudero-Garcia D, Monton C, Aguilera V, Alberich-Bayarri A, Serra M, Marti-Bonmati L. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 2021 Jan;53(1):160-171. doi: 10.1111/apt.16100. PMID: 32981113

Immunological and genetic kinetics from diagnosis to clinical progression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Jimenez I, Tazon-Vega B, Abrisqueta P, Nieto JC, Bobillo S, Palacio-Garcia C, Carabia J, Valdes-Mas R, Munuera M, Puigdefabregas L, Parra G, Esteve-Codina A, Franco-Jarava C, Iacoboni G, Terol MJ, Garcia-Marco JA, Crespo M, Bosch F. Biomarker Research. 2021 May 20;9(1):37. doi: 10.1186/s40364-021-00290-z. PMID: 34016160

Lenalidomide and dexamethasone with or without clarithromycin in patients with multiple myeloma ineligible for autologous transplant: a randomized trial. Puig N, Hernandez MT, Rosinol L, Gonzalez E, de Arriba F, Oriol A, Gonzalez-Calle V, Escalante F, de la Rubia J, Gironella M, Rios R, Garcia-Sanchez R, Arguinano JM, Alegre A, Martin J, Gutierrez NC, Calasanz MJ, Martin ML, Couto MC, Casanova M, Arnao M, Perez-Persona E, Garzon S, Gonzalez MS, Martin-Sanchez G, Ocio EM, Coleman M, Encinas C, Vale AM, Teruel AI, Cortes-Rodriguez M, Paiva B, Cedena MT, San-Miguel JF, Lahuerta JJ, Blade J, Niesvizky R, Mateos MV. Blood Cancer Journal. 2021 May 21;11(5):101. doi: 10.1038/s41408-021-00490-8. PMID: 34021118

Multiple small bowel perforations during the treatment of primary intestinal extranodal natural killer/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type. Lapena-Rodriguez M, Garces-Albir M, Gadea-Mateo R, Mata-Cano D, Teruel A, Doracratto D, Munoz-Forner E, Ortega-Serrano J, Sabater L. British Journal of Haematology. 2021 Jun;193(5):e39-e42. doi: 10.1111/bjh.17229. PMID: 33928633

Real-World Characteristics and Outcome of Patients Treated With Single-Agent Ibrutinib for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia in Spain (IBRORS-LLC Study). Abrisqueta P, Loscertales J, Terol MJ, Ramirez Payer A, Ortiz M, Perez I, Cuellar-Garcia C, Fernandez de la Mata M, Rodriguez A, Lario A, Delgado J, Godoy A, Arguinano Perez JM, Berruezo MJ, Oliveira A, Hernandez-Rivas JA, Garcia Malo MD, Medina A, Garcia Martin P, Osorio S, Baltasar P, Fernandez-Zarzoso M, Marco F, Vidal Mancenido MJ, Smucler Simonovich A, Lopez Rubio M, Jarque I, Suarez A, Fernandez Alvarez R, Lancharro Anchel A, Rios E, Losada Castillo MC, Perez Persona E, Garcia Munoz R, Ramos R, Yanez L, Bello JL, Loriente C, Acha D, Villanueva M. Clinical Lymphoma, Myeloma & Leukemia. 2021 Dec;21(12):e985-e999. doi: 10.1016/j.clml.2021.07.022. PMID: 34511320

Restoration of the immune function as a complementary strategy to treat Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia effectively. Moreno C, Munoz C, Terol MJ, Hernandez-Rivas JA, Villanueva M. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research. 2021 Oct 15;40(1):321. doi: 10.1186/s13046-021-02115-1. PMID: 34654437

Solitary fibrous tumor: integration of clinical, morphologic, immunohistochemical and molecular findings in risk stratification and classification may better predict patient outcome. Machado I, Nieto Morales MG, Cruz J, Lavernia J, Giner F, Navarro S, Ferrandez A, Llombart-Bosch A. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021 Aug 30;22(17):9423. doi: 10.3390/ijms22179423. PMID: 34502329

Supervised Analysis for Phenotype Identification: The Case of Heart Failure Ejection Fraction Class. Lopez C, Holgado JL, Cortes R, Sauri I, Fernandez A, Calderon JM, Nuñez J, Redon J. Bioengineering. 2021 Jun 21;8(6):85. doi: 10.3390/bioengineering8060085. PMID: 34205745

Ten-year assessment of a cancer fast-track programme to connect primary care with oncology: reducing time from initial symptoms to diagnosis and treatment initiation. Martinez MT, Monton-Bueno J, Simon S, Ortega B, Moragon S, Rosello S, Insa A, Navarro J, Sanmartin A, Julve A, Buch E, Pena A, Franco J, Martinez-Jabaloyas J, Marco J, Forner MJ, Cano A, Silvestre A, Teruel A, Lluch A, Cervantes A, Chirivella Gonzalez I. ESMO open. 2021 May 11;6(3):100148. doi: 10.1016/j.esmoop.2021.100148. PMID: 33989988

Referencia: PMP21/00015
Título: Medicina de precisión genómica en neoplasias linfoides (PREGENLINF)
Entidad Financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III – Cofinanciado FEDER
Investigador principal: Elías Campo Güerri
Duración: 2022 – 2025
Presupuesto: 3.063.060
Referencia: PT20/00029
Título: Plataforma de Biobancos
Entidad Financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III – Cofinanciado FEDER
Investigador principal: Antonio Ferrández Izquierdo
Duración: 2021 – 2023
Presupuesto: 265.650 €
Referencia: PT17/0015/0049
Título: Plataforma de Biobancos
Entidad Financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III – Cofinanciado FEDER
Investigador principal: Antonio Ferrández Izquierdo
Duración: 2018 – 2020
Presupuesto: 84.150 €
+ Información
Título: La leucemia linfática crónica: evolución clonal y su monitorización molecular
Doctorando: Serrano Alcalá, Alicia
Director: Navarro Cubells, Blanca; Terol Casterá Mª José; Chaves Martínez, Felipe Javier
Fecha: 30/05/2023
Universidad: Universidad de Valencia

Título: Development of bioinformatics tools for the characterization of B cell neoplasms
Doctorando: Fuentes Trillo, Azahara Maria
Director: Chaves Martínez, Felipe Javier; Navarro Cubells, Blanca; Terol Casterá, María José
Fecha: 10/03/2023
Universidad: Universitat de València